Network Design and Implementation
We assist you in creating a customized network that precisely meets your needs, whether it's building a network from scratch or enhancing an existing one. From hardware selection to network software configuration, we take care of all technical aspects.
Network Management
Our team continuously monitors and manages the performance of your network to ensure optimal operation. By detecting and resolving issues before they impact your operations, we ensure a stable and reliable network.
VPN Services
We create and manage Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to securely enable employees to access the company network even when working remotely.
Network Security
We implement advanced security solutions to protect your network against cyber threats. From firewalls to intrusion detection and prevention systems, we ensure that your data and information are secure.
Network Attached Storage (NAS) Systems
We provide network storage solutions to enable centralized and secure access to data for all users within your organization.
Network Optimization
We assess and enhance the performance of your network, ensuring efficient and delay-free traffic.
Data Security and Encryption
We assist you in safeguarding sensitive customer data by employing advanced encryption methods and other data protection technologies.
Cloud Networking Services
We assist you in migrating and managing networks in the cloud, leveraging scalability, flexibility, and improved efficiency.
Network Consulting
We provide expertise and advice in selecting and implementing the most suitable networking technologies for your business needs.
Technical Support
We are available around the clock or during business hours to provide assistance in resolving any network-related issues or questions.
Penetration Testing (Pentesting) Services
Acestea includ simularea de atacuri cibernetice pe infrastructura de IT a clientului pentru a identifica punctele slabe și vulnerabilitățile. Pentesting-ul poate fi efectuat pe diverse nivele - rețea, aplicație, sistem fizic, etc. Acest serviciu ajută organizațiile să înțeleagă riscurile la care se expun și să ia măsuri pentru a-și întări securitatea.
Vulnerability Management
This service involves identifying, classifying, and remedying vulnerabilities within the client's IT systems. Vulnerability management is an ongoing process that includes periodic system scanning, reporting results, and applying patches or other remediation solutions. The main goal is to minimize the risk of a cyber attack by keeping the client's system as up-to-date and secure as possible.
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